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International air transport knowledge summary.

Source:AnshengBrowse:8335Publish date:2018-05-07Back

Airlift is fast and safe. The high efficiency of punctuality has won a considerable market, which greatly shortens the delivery time, and has greatly promoted the capital turnover and circulation of the logistics supply chain. Major airlines have poured a large number of flights into the cargo space. However, the relative shipping cost of air transportation is relatively high, and the cost ratio of sea air transportation is about 1:10.

Air freight inquiry 8 elements:

1. Name (dangerous goods)

2. Weight (related to charges), volume (size and whether or not to be used)

3. Packaging (whether wooden cases, whether there are pallets)

4. Destination airport (basic point)

5. Time required (direct or indirect)

6. Request flight (service and price difference of each flight)

7. Type of bill of lading (master list and separate sheet)

8. Transportation service (customs declaration mode, agency documents, customs clearance, etc.)

Air freight is divided into heavy cargo and cargo. 1CBM=167KG volume weight is compared with the actual weight, which one should be charged according to which? Of course, there is a little secret in the airlift, which should be known to the peers. The manufacturers that don't understand can think for themselves.

Air freight structure -- you know what?

There are a lot of people who do air transportation. Do you know how the airline price is calculated? A brief introduction, I hope to help you.

Air freight composition:

1.Airfreight freight (collected by airlines)

2. Arg sur charge Fuel surcharge (according to different price point airport, Hong Kong is now generally about $4, 3.6, 4.8 last year, the price changed from the airport, go to Asia is commonly 2 pieces)

3. Security fee (hk $1 /kg fixed fee)

4. Airport operation fee (Hong Kong is HKD283/ ticket, the airport is responsible for the delivery of goods, etc.)

5. Terminal costs: 1.72/kg when the goods are delivered to the house, the banker shall be responsible for the board and other matters, which shall be collected by the airport.

6. Airline master bill: HKD15/bl is the cost of the bill of lading -- the document of real right.

The above is the composition of accounting expenses for most airlines, mainly Hong Kong airport. Because Hong Kong is a very large free trade port, and Hong Kong airport is the world's largest airport, with fewer restrictions, more scope and more cargo planes, there are 78 airlines. There are more than 100 flights a day, which can be the first choice in the case of cabin and service. However, the cost is generally about two blocks higher than the domestic price.

Common airlift terms:

ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival/Actual Time of Departure)

Actual time of arrival/departure time.

Air Waybill (AWB)

A document issued by the shipper or by the shipper is a certificate of carriage of goods between the shipper and the carrier.

Unaccompanied Baggage (Baggage, Unaccompanied)

Carry-on baggage, checked baggage, checked baggage.

Bonded Warehouse

In such a warehouse, or goods can be stored without a time limit without paying import duties.

Bulk Cargo

Bulk cargo without loading board and container.

Cargo for Freighter Only

The abbreviation of "cargo only" means the cargo can only be carried by cargo.

Charges Collect

The fees charged to the consignee are listed on the air waybill.

Charges Prepaid

The cost to be paid by the shipper on the air waybill.

Chargeable Weight

Used to calculate the weight of air freight. The chargeable weight may be volume weight, or the weight of the vehicle weight minus the weight of the vehicle when the cargo is loaded into the vehicle.

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage)

"Cost, insurance and freight", i.e., C&F plus seller's insurance for loss and damage of goods. The seller must sign a contract with the underwriter and pay the premium.

The Consignee (Consignee)

The name is listed on the air waybill to receive the goods delivered by the carrier.


The carrier receives one or more goods from the shipper at any time and place, and carries it to a certain destination with a single air waybill.

Shipper (Consignor)

Same as the shipper.

Consolidated Consignment

Each shipper has signed an air contract with the shipping agent for a shipment of goods delivered by two or more consignors.

Collection agent (Consolidator)

A person or institution that assembles goods into a collection.

Community Systems for Air Cargo

The abbreviation for "high knowledge" computer system. It is the information and central logistics management computer system of hactl.

The Customs (Customs)

Government agencies responsible for import and export duties, smuggling and narcotics trafficking and abuse (in Hong Kong, Hong Kong customs)

Customs Code

The code that is added to a batch of goods by the customs and excise department (C&ED) to indicate the customs clearance result or what clearance action is required by the operator/consignee.

Customs Clearance (Customs Clearance)

The customs formalities necessary for the transportation or extraction of goods at the place of origin, transit and destination.

Dangerous Goods

Dangerous goods are articles or substances that may pose a major threat to health, safety or property during airlift.

Declared Value for Carriage

The value of the goods declared by the shipper to the carrier for the purpose of determining the freight or the limitation of the carrier's liability for loss, damage or delay.

Declaration Value for Customs

Applicable to the value of the goods declared to the customs for the amount of the approved tariff.

Disbursements (Disbursements)

Paid by the carrier to the agent or other carrier, and then by the final carrier to the consignee. These fees are usually charged for the freight and incidental charges paid by the agent or other carrier for the transport of the goods.

EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transportation)

It is short for "management, commerce and transport electronic data interchange". EDIFACT is the international standard for information syntax for electronic data exchange.

The Embargo (Embargo)

Refers to the carrier within a certain period of time to refuse on any route or part of the routes to transfer or accept any goods to and from any region or place the carrier, any type or grade of the goods.

ETA/ETD (Estimated Time of Arrival/Estimated Time of Departure)

Estimated time of arrival/departure time.

Export License

Permit holder (shipper) to export a government license document to a specified destination.

FIATA (Federation Internationale des Associations DE Transitaires et Assimilees)

Deep licensee, licensee document issued deep in Hong Kong [as the shipper and the transportation agent receiving certificates (FCR) deep Bill of Lading (FBL)] [deep Bill of Lading (FBL) "as Carrier" & Forwarders Certificate of Receipt (FCR)]. Protection of freight forwarders liability insurance (minimum liability limit: US$250,000).

Free on Board

Under the conditions of "ship on board", the goods shall be loaded on board the loading port designated by the seller in the contract. The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred to the buyer when the goods pass through the side of the ship (that is, after leaving the dock). The loading fee is paid by the seller.

FOB Airport

This term is similar to the general FOB term. After the seller has delivered the goods to the carrier at the departure airport, the risk of loss shall be transferred from the seller to the buyer.


To provide services (such as receiving, forwarding or delivery) to ensure and assist the agent or company in the carriage of goods.

Total Weight (Gross Weight)

The total weight of the shipment, including the packing and packing materials.

HAFFA (Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Association)

The abbreviation of the Hong Kong freight industry association limited (HAFFA), founded in 1966, is a non-profit organization that promotes, protects and develops Hong Kong's cargo transport industry.

Freight forwarder Air Waybill (i.e., freight forwarding order)(House Air Waybill)

The document includes a single piece of cargo in the assembly, which is issued by a collection of mixed goods, and includes instructions to the disassembly agent.

IATA (International Air Transport Association)

International air transport association. IATA is an airline industry organization that provides services to airlines, passengers, shippers, travel agents and governments. The association aims to promote air transport safety and standardization (baggage checks, air tickets, weight lists) and to assist in the verification of international air freight charges. IATA is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

Import Licence

Permit the holder (consignee) to import the government license document of the specified commodity.

Tag (Marks)

A mark marked on the packing of the goods to identify the goods or to indicate the relevant information of the owner.

Master Air Waybill

This is an air waybill that includes a collection of goods that are set as consignees.

Neutral Air Waybill

A standard air waybill without a specified carrier.

Fresh goods (Perishable Cargo)

Perishable goods within a specified period of time or at unfavorable temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions.

Prepacked Cargo

The goods that have been packed in the carrier by the shipper prior to the submission of the freight station operator.

Checklist (Reception Checklist)

A document issued by a freight station operator receiving a shipper's cargo.

Regulated Agent Regime

It is the government's system for the safety inspection of all air transport agents.

Shipment Release Form

A document issued by the carrier to the consignee to extract the goods from the operator of the freight station.

The Shipper (Shipper)

The person or company specified in the contract of carriage of goods to the consignee.

Shipper's Certificate for live animals/ dangerous goods

A declaration statement - the goods have been made by the shipper according to the latest version of the IATA rules rules and government legislation and all the carrier, the goods properly packed and accurate description and make it suitable for air freight.

Shipper's Letter of Instruction (Shipper's Letter of Instruction)

A document that includes the agent of the shipper or the shipper concerning the preparation of the documents and the instructions for the shipment of the goods.

STA/STD (Schedule Time of Arrival/Schedule Time of Departure)

Estimated time of arrival/departure time.

The Air Cargo Tariff

Abbreviation for "air freight tariff" published jointly by international aviation publishing house (IAP) and international air transport association (IATA).

Freight table (took)

The charges, charges and/or related conditions for the carriage of goods by the carrier. Freight rates vary according to country, weight and/or carrier.

Unit Load Device

Any type of container or set plate used to transport goods.

Valuable Cargo

The declared value of goods is equal to or more than $1,000 per kg of goods, such as gold and diamonds.

Declaration value Charge

Freight charges based on the value of goods declared at the time of shipment.

Vulnerable or Vulnerable Cargo

Goods that are not declared worthy but clearly need to be handled carefully, or are particularly vulnerable to theft.
